




現在位置:HOMEの中の教育・文化の中のshojoji in EnglishからNikkou bosatsu Gakkou bosatsu (The Bodhisattvas of Sun and Moon light)

Nikkou bosatsu Gakkou bosatsu (The Bodhisattvas of Sun and Moon light)

A national treasures (redesignated June 27,1996 )

 Accompanying the principal image of the Healing Buddha, these two images of the Buddha's attending Bodhisattvas (Nikkou bosatsu and Gakkou bosatsu) are equally magnificent. These statues, each carved from the single trunk of a zelkova tree, are made using a method of dry lacquering from the Tempyou period (circa 757). Clearly a set, the graceful style of the tall and voluptuous figures of these two images complements the style used in the central image of the Healing Buddha. Also notable, the stature of these two bodhisattvas seems much larger than that of other Nikkou and Gakkou bosatsu from other ages. This is due to the tendency during the Tempyou era to make Bodhisattvas larger than in earlier ages. The lotus blossom pedestals of each figure are also fashioned in that period's style.

 These statues were originally designated national treasures in 1903; however, it was later realized that the names of Nikkou and Gakkou had been mistakenly reversed. When this was realized, the statues were redesignated under their correct names in 1996.

Gakkou bosatsu photoNikkou bosatsu photo

Gakkou bosatsu

Nikkou bosatsu


Outline of Shojoji


Yakushi dou


Yakushi nyorai


Nikkou bosatsu Gakkou bosatsu